A busy record label is working on tight deadlines for their album releases. Daniel, the team leader in the Design Department, realizes the need for another Graphic Designer - album covers and promotional material piles are building up. He needs a new employee with the right qualifications, fast! The challenge is to get the right person for the job as soon as possible.

The Solution

The solution lies in creating the right job description for the position and going through the most direct channel in the company to get the new staff position approved.

“Create new staff position” is one of the customizable workflow templates within the Human resources (HR) solutions.

All Daniel needs to do, is to fill in a form with the details of the candidate he is looking for, and add his motivation for the request.

The HR department is immediately notified of his request through the workflow via an email. They are directed to the job description form to make changes and add a remuneration package based on Daniel’s need and motivation.

HR receives an email informing them of the request for a new staff position.
HR receives an email informing them of the request for a new staff position.

Once complete, Daniel is asked to review the full job description. He can again make changes to the form, and he is asked whether he is satisfied with the job description. If he indicates “Yes”, HR is informed of the approval and at the same time the request is sent to management for review.

Daniel reviews the job description and approves or denies it.
Daniel reviews the job description and approves or denies it.

If he indicates “No”, the changes that he has made as well as his reason for denial are sent to HR and a sub-workflow is activated. Within this sub-workflow the job description is once again reviewed by HR and Daniel, and when approved, is sent to management. At this point, Daniel can also choose to cancel the request if he is not satisfied.

As soon as Daniel has approved the job description, management is asked to do the final review. An email is then sent to both Daniel and HR informing them of management’s decision.

If the new staff position has been approved, the workflow is complete and HR can proceed to advertise the new job on the intranet and various job websites (these actions are outside of the workflow).

A workflow report that the manager can use to see requests for new staff positions.
A workflow report that the manager can use to see requests for new staff positions.

The benefits:

  • The workflow makes it extremely easy to request new personnel. The team leader only needs to fill in a form online and the process is started.
  • All the email notifications are done automatically, saving time for HR as well as management, and fast tracking the process.
  • All the communication, changes and requests the team has made during this process is seen in one report. Daniel can rest assured that the correct job description will be advertised to ensure he gets the right Graphic Designer for the job.

If you’d like to create new staff positions with ease, then you can copy this workflow solution directly into your Kotive account for free.

Create new staff position
Simplify the process of requesting new staff, and create and approve staff positions with this online tool.

Learn more in our step-by-step guide →

The workflow is automatically copied into your account when you select it. Want to make one or two changes to fit your situation better? No problem!

Written by  Cornelia de Villiers