Add a published form

If you want people to fill in a form without being logged-in to your workflow app, then you can achieve this by publishing a form task.

In Kotive, a task that can be completed by anonymous, non-logged-in users is called a “published” task.

A published task can be included anywhere in your workflow. It does not only have to be the very first task in the workflow.

There are two ways of publishing a task. The first is:

  1. In the Designer, after you’ve selected your existing workflow, click on the “+” button in the panel on the left.

  2. Select the “form” task. Give it a label and tick the “Yes, publish this form” option.

Adding a published task to a workflow
Adding a published task to a workflow

The second way to publish a task is:

  1. In the Designer, click on an existing form task.

  2. In the right-hand panel, click the “Settings” tab. Tick the “Yes, publish this form” option.

Adding a published task to a workflow
Adding a published task to a workflow

Your task is now published.

If it is the first task in the workflow then you can direct people to the task by sharing a link to the workflow or embedding the workflow into a website.

But if the published task is not the first task in the workflow then you need to notify non-logged-in users of the task somewhere in your workflow. One way to do this is to add an email task that is sent to the non-logged-in user prior to the published task. This email automatically contains the link to the published task which would be the next task inline.