Add a task that will be performed simultaneously with another task

We’ll assume that you have already created a basic workflow.

We are now going to add a task that will be performed simultaneously with the sending of an Email task.

  1. In the Designer, select the workflow you want to work with. Click on the “+” button next to the “Email” task. Tasks that are to be performed at the same time, need to appear next to each other, on the same level within the workflow.

  2. Select a “SMS” task, leave the default action as “Send a SMS”, give it a label and save.

  3. In the right-hand panel of the Designer, fill in the recipient’s mobile number in the “To” field and write a short “Message”. Save.

If an end-user would submit the “Form” right now then both the “Email” and “SMS” would be sent at the same time.