Complaints Management

Representatives and Key Individuals in Financial Service Providers can easily and comprehensively manage complaints in Kotive Compliance.

The Complaints register enables appropriate Complaint record keeping, monitoring and exporting of complaints for further analysis.

The Management of Complaints in Kotive Compliance is ambiguous by design. It does not dictate to FSPs how (with regard to the resolution process) the complaint should be resolved but gives them maximum flexibility in terms of the nature, scale and complexity, not only of the Provider’s business but also of each particular complaint.

“Complaints” can be found under the “Registers” menu in Kotive Compliance.

Details of the Complaint

When adding a new “Complaint”, the complaint starts out with a “pending” status by default. You should adjust the status of the complaint as it progresses through your complaint resolution process.

The default status for a new request is 'pending'
The default status for a new request is 'pending'

In the “Complaints” section (highlighted in green) you can capture various details of the complaint such as the name and contact details of the complainant, policy details and a description of the Complaint. Supporting documentation such as audio recordings, transcripts, email correspondence or supporting files can also be uploaded.

You can categorise the complaint as required by the FSCA. This becomes useful later on when your FSP is required to report on the number of Complaints in each category. You can select more than one category from the list of options:

  • The design of a policy or related service (incl. related premiums, fees or charges)
  • Information provided to policyholders
  • Advice
  • Policy performance
  • Service to policyholders (incl. premium collections or policy lapsing)
  • Policy accessibility, changes or switches
  • Complaints handling
  • Insurance risk claims (incl. non-payment of claims)
  • Other

Reviewing the Complaint

The second section of complaints management is the reviewing of the Complaint. Click on “Review” to access this section.

Reviewing a Complaint
Reviewing a Complaint

In the “Review” section you capture details such as the deadline for the resolution of the complaint, the responsible person within the FSP, a description of the actions that have or will be taken to address the complaint. Supporting documentation can also be uploaded in this section.

Outcome of the Complaint

Lastly, you’ll record the outcome of the Complaint. This is important for reporting to the FSCA since it will enable your FSP to report on:

  1. The number of Complaints received during the past year
  2. The distribution of Complaints across the various categories
  3. The number of Complaints resolved vs. pending
  4. The number of Complaints resolved wholly vs. partially in favour of the complainant
Documenting the outcomes of a Complaint
Documenting the outcomes of a Complaint

You can describe the final outcome of the Complaint and, if partially or wholly in favour of the complainant, indicate the agreed timeframes and commitment from the FSP or product supplier (e.g. compensation or goodwill payment). Additional supporting documentation can also be uploaded.

A handful of outcome specific questions (e.g. Was the complaint addressed within the required timeframe? Was this an Ombud Determination against the FSP?) are asked and finally you can indicate if and how this information can be used to prevent similar complaints in future.