Complete Conduct Assessments

Step-by-step instructions to show how you login, complete your monthly compliance conduct assessment and update your various registers from within your conduct assessment.

At the start of every month you receive an email that reminds you to complete a compliance conduct assessment(s) related to your role (e.g. Representative, Key Individual, Representative under Supervision, etc.)

You can choose a button to login without or with a password. Both methods are safe and secure.

Tip: Choose the “login without a password” button if this is your first time using the system. It’s the easiest!

2. Login without a password

We’ll assume you’ve logged-in without a password. Enter your email address and click “send me my login link”.

Passwordless login form
Passwordless login form

Now go to your inbox (such as Outlook or Gmail), open the email and click the “Login to Kotive” button to automagically login.

Passwordless login button in email
Passwordless login button in email

Note: the link remains valid for 15 minutes and can only be used once.

3. Find your conduct assessment under “Your todos”

Click on “Your todos” in the main menu to get a list of your upcoming todos.

Your todos
Your todos
Your upcoming todos
Your upcoming todos

Click on a conduct assessment. (You might have more than one and/or other todos.) Start to fill-in and complete the conduct assessment.

Fill-in the conduct assessment
Fill-in the conduct assessment

Tip: You can save at anytime and resume at a later stage. (Your incomplete conduct assessment can then be found under the relevant conduct assessment by clicking on the Conduct assessments main menu item - it won’t be available under your todos any longer.)

4. Keep registers up to date directly from your conduct assessment

Questions related to registers give you an option to add records to those registers immediately.

In the example below, click on the “Add a CPD event” link to see the CPD register.

Click to add a new CPD event
Click to add a new CPD event

Complete the CPD form, click save and you’ll be back in your conduct assessment.

The CPD form
The CPD form

The conduct assessment would also automatically be updated with the new CPD event. You can add more events by clicking on the “Add more CPD events” link.

Question with related CPD event
Question with related CPD event

Note: If you have previously saved events in your CPD register, then the 5 latest events will automatically be displayed in your conduct assessment so you can easily see if your records are up to date.