Default system roles

Account ownerThe owner of the Kotive account.
The person responsible for billing.
This role is auto-assigned to the person who created the Kotive account.
There can only be one person in the Maker account with this role.
MakerHas full access to the Designer:
- design workflows,
- manage roles that can be assigned to people.
This role is auto-assigned to the person who created the Kotive account.
There can only be one person in the Maker account with this role.
User AdministratorManage organizations/teams and people, and assign roles to individuals.
Has full access to the ‘People’ menu item.
If the ‘People’ section contains an extended profile of a person, then this role grants access to that information.
There can be many people in the Maker account, App or Orgainzation/teams with this role.