Get started with Kotive Compliance (read first)

Step-by-step instructions to show how you login and start using Kotive Compliance.

1. Login to the Web Application

  1. Go to the Web Application:
  2. You can either login with your email address and password or login without a password (See the help guide if you need help logging in or resetting your password).
  3. If your login details are correct or if you’ve clicked on the passwordless link then you’ll be taken to your last visited account. You can switch to another account if you have access to multiple accounts.

2. Update your CPD records

One of the easiest ways to get started is to upload your CPD records.

Click on “Competence & CPD” in the main menu, then on “CPD”.

Finding CPD records
Finding CPD records

Next, click the “New” button (top right) to add a new CPD record.

Complete the CPD form. It’s important to enter the number of CPD hours/points as a numeric number as these are used in calculations when determining your total CPD hours/points within the current CPD period.

Click save and close the pop-up form.

The CPD form
The CPD form

The table with CPD records will automatically be updated with your newly added CPD event. You can add more events by clicking on the “New” button.

Note: If you have previously saved events in your CPD register, then they will also show in this list.

3. Update your other records

You can update your other personal records (Class of Business training, Experience, Product Specific training, Recognised Qualifications, RE Exams, and Skills programmes) in the same manner.

4. Access your profile

Alternatively you can also access your personal profile to see and update this information.

Access your personal profile
Access your personal profile