Integrate Calculator in your workflows


What does Calculator do?

Calculator helps you include automated math expressions within your workflows.

It's like having a mathematician or engineer on autopilot.


Use Calculator in Kotive

Include Calculator as a task in your workflow and perform calculations with numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, fractions, units, and matrices.

Learn how to easily integrate Calculator in your workflows →


Calculator tasks available in Kotive

Evaluate a math expression

Write simple or complex math expressions and work with different data types, functions and operators.
Learn more about math expressions on

Generate a random number

Generate a random number between a minimum and maximum number.

The next step?

Sign up for free.
Then add and connect Calculator tasks to your workflows.


Ideas & examples

Include Calculator as a task in your workflow and work with numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, fractions, units, and matrices. It is a powerful and easy to use task.

E.g. calculate VAT on purchases, dynamically work out the distance between 2 points, calculate an employee's remaining days of leave, or generate a random numeric PIN or reference number that can be used later within your workflow.


Mix and match integrations

Add more of your favorite SaaS apps as tasks in your workflows.