Integrate in your workflows


Use in Kotive gives you current and historical foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank.

Learn how to easily integrate in your workflows → tasks available in Kotive

Request specific currencies

List all the currencies you wish to see the exchange rates for.

Get historical rates

Get exchange rates for a date of your choice.

Get foreign exchange rates

Automatically get the latest foreign exchange reference rates.

Choose base currency

Rates are quoted against the Euro by default. Quote against a different currency.

Convert specific currencies against your chosen base currency

Quote against a currency of your choice and get a list of all the currencies you wish to see the exchange rates for.

The next step?

Sign up for free.
Then add and connect tasks to your workflows.


Ideas & examples

Include as a task in your workflow to convert specific currencies against your chosen base currency, get the latest foreign exchange reference rates and get any historical rates.


Mix and match integrations

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