Integrate Twilio in your workflows


What does Twilio do?

Twilio enables web developers to integrate phone calls, text messages and IP voice communications into their web, mobile and traditional phone applications.


Use Twilio in Kotive

You can now include Twilio as a task in Kotive WITHOUT the help of a developer.

During the flow of your tasks, you want to notify the right team member - at the right time - of a task they need to complete.

These notifications are normally sent as emails, but in certain cases you might want the notifications to be sent as SMSs.

Include Twilio as a notification task in your workflow. The content of the SMS can be pulled-in from fields in previous tasks to keep the message relevant.

Learn how to easily integrate Twilio in your workflows →


Twilio tasks available in Kotive

Send an SMS

Send a text message/SMS to someone's mobile phone.

The next step?

Sign up for free.
Then add and connect Twilio tasks to your workflows.


Ideas & examples

Use Twilio to send an alert when certain conditions in your workflow are triggered. E.g in the procurement workflow the manager could receive an SMS alert if the employee indicates that the purchase request is urgent.

The workshop registration workflow could be amended so that when an applicant successfully registers, you could send them a reminder SMS closer to the event.

Information from fields in earlier tasks can be pulled-in to create a unique PIN that can be sent by SMS to a person.


Mix and match integrations

Add more of your favorite SaaS apps as tasks in your workflows.